Do you really think western healthcare better? | High Talk No4
Visiting Chinese Medicine Museum on19th May, click read more to register
In April 21, 2018, we share our stories and thoughts about medicine in High Talk No4. This time only a few of us showed up while they are all returners from Germany. It is very interesting to meet up and talk in this topic. The following is what we shared.
Dr. Lee (a true doctor in Beijing, organizer):
Under normal circumstances, everyone living in Germany should register a family physicain, to help with minor illnesses, and refer to specialists in large hospitals if needed. However, I thought the family physicians could only deal with some very simple problems. One of my friend has a sore throat, and went to see the doctor. His family physician only asked about his symptoms, examined his throat, and gave him a priscription to buy an OCT medicine in a drugstore. I think he did not provide substantial help.
Yufeng Qiu (another attendee) 's company is producing robots for patients with disability. The products are insteresting, and can improve the quality of life for patients with injury of extremities, the spinal cord, and the brain. He showed us several videos. One of them demonstrated a girl who lost an arm in an accidant, but could complete many tasks with the prosthetic (the prosthetic can detect electral signals of the nerves and then control the movement of the prosthetic).
Ms. Zeng:
When I was studying in Germany, I once had a sore throat and decided to go to see a doctor. Opposite to the student village where Ilive stands a medical building with various doctors and clinics. Because it wasa temporary decision, there was no appointment. But I was lucky that I only waited in line for more than two hours.
The doctor was kind and patient. First, he created a file for me and asked a lot of personal health and medical-related questions,such as smoking, genetic diseases, allergies, what medicines were used before, and so on. Then he gave me several checks. But at the end he told me that I didn't have any inflammation. It was the weather change or other causes ofdiscomfort. He advised me to drink more warm water and eat more fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C.
Other friends also have similar experiences. We generally feel that western doctors do not easily prescribe drugs. On the contrary, over treatment is a common problem in our country.
But China's medical care also has better aspects. For example, it is theoretically possible to go to the hospital at any time, whether it is a minor illness or a serious disease.
Mr. Liu Kun: (from Sotan, Britain)
I got a very special operation experience because it was in America and in emmergency. (Editor: I prefer the chinese hospitals and doctors after listening to his story.....)
I was attending World Wide Exchange Program for two months in USA. One night before returning home, all attendees had dinner together. My stomach was a little uncomfortable from the beginning, and it became more and more painful. I could hardly stand up and walk. My friends called me 911, and called the ambulance. The ambulance was escorted by a police car and a small companion was allowed to accompany me to the hospital.
After entering the hospital, the nurse inquired about some of my conditions, first asking the pain grade from 1 to 10, I felt a few, I gave 7 as I remember. (I guess 7 was too much misleading and it cause the waiting and infection...) and then I went to check, paid a $250 first aid fee, and finally the nurse said there was no big hair and asked to go home...... That night I seemed to be living in a temporary ward.
The equipment is very advanced, each to be equipped with a 15 inch touchable multimedia screen, a free adjustment of the height and angle. The nurse was still saying that I could leave the hospital without pain, but it was still extremely painful. I insist for an operation.
The third day, I entered the operation room. I woke up at 12 o'clock in the night. It was said a 6-hour-operation. I was told that I got diverticulitis.... appendicitis perforation infected duodenum (Editor: If there were no delay and the opration was done the first day.... I think it would not be so serious ). In a word, the operation was successful and I can go home safety.
The problem is that they give me chicken and potatos right after the operation. And they say I can eat everything.....I didnt have anything finally since there were no chinese food.......
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